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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If extreme right-wing world wide FASCISTS are anti-Semitic what's up with Don don? Is he out of step with his brethren?

If extreme right-wing world wide FASCISTS are anti-Semitic what's up with Don don? Is he out of step with his brethren?

Posted - March 22, 2019


  • The President is one of the few in this government that has the right idea about the security of the state of Israel and the importance of supporting it. The left wing extremists of the Democrat Party seem to be the most strident about abandoning Israel. So who are the anti-Semitic among us? I think you have your political wires crossed when it comes to pointing the finger of blame. The threats to Israel seem to be coming more from the so called "Progressives" that our media venues fawn over ad nauseum. I'm one of those folks that believes that the events being played out on the world stage regarding Israel and her neighbors, are the final stages of Biblical prophecies being fulfilled. "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you". That's a promise from God whose providential hand is in the global events of today. Somehow, we've moved from being a nation that exposed the horrors of anti-Semitism sponsored by Fascists during WWII, to one pursuing a course of abandonment of our friends and allies in the state of Israel. I've personally seen the billboard space calling for a boycott and condemnation of Israel in parts of the country during my own travels. Your latest insinuations against the President are really superficial when taken into consideration with the dynamics being played out in the Middle East. Your understanding of that seems to be marginal. 
      March 22, 2019 12:28 PM MDT